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A history of the Bank of New York, 1784-1884. ture was described at the time as builtin the Italian style, of Little Falls brown stone andPhiladelphia brick. The banking-room is fifty-eightfeet

Tristan Cardoza checks on guns Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 at the Country Pleasures in downtown Porterville. State voters Nov. 8 passed the measure that toughens the state's already strict gun control laws

A makeshift memorial left by neighbors and friends stands in front of the childhood home of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson on October 27, 2008. A body found in an SUV on Chicago's

Nephi, left, and Lyle Jeffs leave the federal courthouse in Salt Lake City, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015. A federal judge says the brothers of polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs can cite their

FILE - In this file photo of June 19, 2011, an American Airlines slipper is stored in Hangar 17 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The slipper is an

NO FILM, NO VIDEO, NO TV, NO DOCUMENTARY - At the World Trade Centere site, footprints of the North Tower, foreground, and South Tower, background, of the World Trade Center, will have

Polygamy; or, The mysteries and crimes of Mormonism, being a full and authentic history of this strange sect from its origin to the present time. . l differences, and so come within

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 was the first day of school for Broward Schools, with all classes being taught remotely. Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie holds a press conference after visiting teachers and

The former summer home of President John F. Kennedy's grandfather, is seen Wednesday, amrch 22, 2006, in Hull, Mass. The house that was recently the center of a multimillion-dollar fraud scheme, is

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